Mmmmmm, stationery. We all remember the crisp, sharp smell of a brand new pencil case on the first day back at school (or is that just us?). Stationery is satisfying. Clean, neat, collectible, easy-on-the-eye, playful, understated, bold, classy …. its permutations are as endless as the creative possibilities it affords us and we love it. When poking someone on Facebook or “LIKING” the announcement of their first born doesn’t quite cut it for sentiment, a beautiful card, letter or crafty gift can bring a smile to the lips or tear to the eye.
If the astronomic growth in popularity of the arts and crafts movement in recent years tells us anything, it’s that stationery is moving – in all shapes and sizes. Whatever their reasons, people are drawn to it (why do so many disgruntled office workers steal post-it notes?!!) and popular e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Etsy and Notonthehighstreet are booming with the loving creations of a sea of designers and makers, big retailers and small startups. Whether you’re receiving your goods in bulk from the factory or hand-making them one by one on the dining room table once the kids have gone to bed, quality, professional product photography is essential if you aim to get your creations noticed in a thriving but dauntingly crowded online marketplace.
With over 25 years of experience in product photography, dedicated studios and a genuine passion for arts and crafts shooting, Photography Firm will work with you to ensure your stationery and gifts ideas look their best when they hit the web, catalogue or magazine page. Our in-house retouchers are there to ensure the final images sing and if it suits you, we’re happy to orchestrate all aspects of concept and art direction. Handling anything from bespoke commissions for individual designs to big batch, fast turnaround jobs, our unwavering eye for composition, set dressing and professional lighting mean our reputation as one of the country’s top product photography studios is well earned. We’ll follow your brief to the letter or work with you to ensure we don’t miss a shot, but allow us to flex our creative muscles and we all but guarantee to exceed your expectations.
Photography Firm provide all edited files in high-res and web-ready versions and whilst we discount our product photography for large batches, we also strive to accommodate fledgling businesses with smaller product lines and budgets – we started small too!
Whatever your brief, get in touch whichever way you prefer (though on this occasion, email might be easier than a letter…)